I flash back to my younger years in sports and there were no participation trophies, no thanks for showing up, you showed up, were prepared as the better athlete for the job or you lost, you lost the game, you lost the competition, you lost your position, you lost plain and simple. Same if you fail a test for being unprepared, they don't bump your grade cause you " showed up and tried". Shit I would have a double PHD if thats how this worked.
We see loss as such a negative, every time I lost, that shit pissed me off, you go, dig in and work on it, you regroup, lick your wounds, and come back smarter, better and outwork the sucker who beat your ass, take his spot, make a starter get side stitches cause you outworked them, crush an exam that you blatantly failed 5 times and doubted even taking the 6th.
I always saw loss as a fire starter, post the water works we suck at life vibe, get good at losing, it happens daily. We get stuck in this post apocalyptic space after a loss and we forget apocalypse comes with fire. You should use that fire...
You quit to easily...
-the meatball