We look at your typical meathead demographic sweaty beefy males and females banging and clanging, grunting at each other for communication, resembling the cave man era trying to figure out the wheel. But really is this what the gym and training really looks like? I don't know man,
I find it hard to believe that you can just bang and clang your way to proper physique and sickening strength, I tried this method for years and did nothing but royally F my hips, back, and shoulders.
We see the old war horses with the double repaired shoulders, elbows, replaced hips and fused spines who were the masters of their time in strength and performance. But shit they sound pretty F'ed up too right? I don't know all these long term chronic injuries are starting to seem like a rerun for me, but why?
We look at the chronic masochists that line the fitness and training industry where ' Train for pain or remain the same". has become the mantra across the board where realistically all pain is not equal. But the T-shirt that beefy dude in the gym wears doesn't describe that part, does it, hmm very strange.
We have gotten so used to training through the pain that we spend decades just royally botching our body up when there are better ways. The old war horses had their knowledge but in decades of modified coaching, shifted mantras, modified old cues time and time again, majority of the strength community now is stuck in some form of chronic pain thats just the ": my body is just getting old" excuse or " its always been my bad knee" well it may not need to be the lifetime bad knee or the defeated aging body 15 years past its time.
Strategy has been changed in our patterns through the general lifestyle shifts over the last 60 years, which each era had its physical challenges, where todays struggles are tech neck, rolled shoulders and a entire generation that is there shape of their desk chair.
Even your meatheads have fallen struck to the daily lifestyle shifts where you see shoulders roll on pulldowns, backs over arch on squats, the list goes on, and the more it continues the more chronic pain is cumulatively built across the industry.
It does seem in the last few years though the nerds have come out to play across the board. The nerdy meatheads who spent 2 decades struggling finally got their shit together and focused own some hard basics, how to stand, how to breath, how your ribs move how your scapula move, how efficient is your body patterns, where do you stand over your foot, how to you integrate through your posterior chain as a whole. This idea was our true 'ballin on the basics' moment. If you don't move and breath very well as a human chances are you wont be very strong as a superhuman when you need to do something impressive.
You take allllll those hard basics, and now wait, we are gonna do something weird here, we apply them into loaded patterns and WHAM, impressive training performance, more pain free lifestyle, impressive physique adaptations, more athletic capabilities, general better quality of life. Shit dude doesn't that sound better than the triple done shoulder and spinal fusion L1-L3, yikes, now thats a rough day.
But its funny how this is seen as alien still. Its the witchcraft, voo doo magic that changes athletes, lifestyle enhances general population, and rehabs injuries like its life depends on it. The scary part is it isn't Voo Doo magic at all, its rooted in science, mechanics and physics. Ide say the combination of these worlds will make you significantly harder to kill than yesterday, and much more strongly prepared to handle the world that is in front of you.
We have a better way to train, coach, and move. It just needs to be better applied, where we can truly understand how movement is supposed to look.
-the meatball